Box Moor Trust (BMT) Maps

The land along the River Bulbourne (and other nearby sites), managed by the Box Moor Trust in Hemel Hempstead, has very handily been split into named meadows, moors and woods. This makes it much easier to describe where a bird/flower/insect/etc has been seen/heard. A list of the names and their locations can be found below.

The Moors & Roughdown Common

The Moors, east of Old Fishery Lane 

Fishery Moor; Station Moor; Harding's Moor; Bulbourne Meadow; Bulbourne Moor; Two Waters Moor (west); Two Waters Moor (east); Blackbirds Moor; Heath Park; Balderson's Moor; Plough Gardens; Boxmoor Wharf

Roughdown Common, south of London Road

Upper Roughdown; Lower Roughdown; Further Roughdown

The Moors, west of Old Fishery Lane

Amen Corner; Snook's Moor; Snoxall's Moor; Herdsman's Moor; Chaulden Meadow

Westbrook Hay & Sheethanger

Westbrook Hay, NW of Box Lane

Overbourne; Ryders; Dellfield; Preston Hill; Box Hill; Hay Wood; Three Crofts; Ramacre Wood; Gorsefield Wood; Bovingdon Reach; Barnfield; Green Croft

Sheethanger, SE of Box Lane

Bury Wood; Sheethanger Common; Howe's Retreat

Pixies Mere Fishery, the Orchard & Bourne End Field

Bovingdon Brickworks

Located between Green Lane and Shantock Hall Lane in the village of Bovingdon. Maps and details on Boxmoor, naturally… HERE.

Full Map of the Box Moor Trust Estate

Gadespring Cress Beds

This is currently not open to the public
It's located off Old Fishery Lane and runs between the canal and the River Bulbourne, roughly marked by the white rectangle.

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