Monday, 28 March 2016

Wheatears hit Water End

Well, hello everyone. It’s been a fair old while! Where do I begin? How about I just dive in with today’s stuff. The remnants of storm Katie, followed by a flat car battery and an hour’s wait for “home assist” made sure I didn’t leave the house this morning. That fiasco was closely followed by an afternoon fighting the urge to snooze, until, at about 16:30, I crowbarred myself off the sofa and out into the blustery sunshine.

With not a lot of energy, the horse paddock just north of Hemel, at Water End, seemed like a good plan. I really wasn’t expecting anything, sure that others would have checked the site earlier in the day. But, hey, I got lucky. Not one but two gorgeous Spring male Wheatears: a much needed antidote to the winter hangover and proof that spring really is taking hold, thank goodness.

One bird would occasionally hop over the paddock fence line into the adjacent ploughed field, blending in perfectly with the earthy tones

Spot the birdie

The two Spring males: one had a stubby tail (top bird), the other had a pronounced/very striking white supercilium (bottom bird)


  1. Great stuff always good to see them turn up my only one last year was in Wales. Take care Ronny T

    1. Thanks Ronny. They really were a welcome sight yesterday.

  2. Hi Lucy,

    I still haven't seen one down here, although I'm sure it's because my eyes aren't properly open? When I lived in Warner's End - there was a field behind the Grove Hill estate which was a "banker" for Wheatears as I pedalled between Hemel and Redbourn (to go to work with Ronny T at Brooke Bond) Happy days.

    Hoping all is well? - Dyl

    1. A banker Wheatear site that close to the town centre is rare, Dylan. I shall have to take a look. I found a single bird last year over by Dodds Lane, just north of Grovehill. Happy days indeed when migrants are turning up! Me? On the up, I hope ;o).

  3. Right, I'mm off looking for them at Cotham Flash paddock this afternoon! Great shot of the white arses

  4. Beautiful shots! Well done for getting out. I hope the car is behaving again. From ARF

    1. Thanks ARF. Car is purring like a (rattly) kitten. Next job is the exhaust...

  5. Sorry Lucy,almost missed this post,superb Wheatear captures,the one taken on the post is my favourite.

    1. Thanks John. Can't beat a Wheatear to finally put winter behind us!


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